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    Европейская ассоциация научных мероприятий

    SCIENCE EVENTS? - “BRING SCIENCE TO THE PEOPLE” Science Communication Events offer platforms for the dialogue between science and the public, often in the form of a science week, science festival or science days. A Science Communication Event is characterized by its duration to several days, its focus on science communication in new and sometimes unusual ways and at unusual places and the involvement of scientists as communicators. Science Communication Events are going out to the people, thereby reaching a different audience than just “open doors” alone, namely these persons, who might not “dare” to enter scientific venues. Such Events are organised with the motto: “BRING SCIENCE TO THE PEOPLE”! The aims of Science Communication Events are manifold, but they contribute to the public’s understanding of science. To raise public awareness and to encourage public participation as well as interesting youth for science and scientific careers are other important objectives. Furthermore, Science Events are most often carried out by small organizations, depending on external funding – from public as well as private organisations – for its activities. BACKGROUND OF EUSCEA EUSCEA, the European Science Events Association,, is the European organisation for Science Events. Nearly hundred such events have evolved all over Europe, from Cyprus to Iceland, from Estonia to Portugal and more are on their way. Their importance is immense; Science Communication Events are major means of creating interest among the youth, an inspiring dialogue and a basis for future European competitiveness. EUSCEA was formed to exchange ideas and experiences, to communicate across borders and to develop new ways of funding and marketing Science Communication Events in Europe. OBJECTIVES OF EUSCEA The major objective of EUSCEA is to offer a meeting-place, a platform for the exchange of information, experiences and good practice among Science Communication Event organizations throughout Europe. EUSCEA emphasises the importance of new and direct ways of science communication and supports the image of its members in Europe. EUSCEA analyzes performance and organization of different Science Communication Events around Europe, thus creating a base of experiences, which are written down in the “White Book” of “best practices”, available from the general secretariat.